This article is based on the author adminthuvimoingay’s understanding from the website It is written with a focus on enhancing the destiny of Eastern people. The content may echo certain traditional texts, writings of ancient scholars, and some doctrines from various religions.
Introduction to the Article on Improving Destiny, Seeking Peace, and Warding off Misfortune
Firstly, many traditional texts have already discussed these matters. I am fortunate to have read numerous books on transforming adversity into blessing, improving destiny, and seeking peace in life. Before encountering these ancient texts, I too faced significant issues, such as financial difficulties, declining mental well-being, and intense life pressures. Writing this article, I feel that my life has improved to some extent. Throughout the process, I encountered obstacles and often lost focus.
Readers should carefully reflect on the content to see if it resonates. If this article does not bring you peace of mind, perhaps I have not expressed it clearly enough. Depending on your current circumstances, this article may help you gain insight into your life.
On Destiny and Your Current Life Situation
If you have read books on astrology, theology, religion, or belief systems, you will find that many texts, ancient scholars, and fortune-tellers argue that each person has a predetermined destiny. This is why astrology, numerology, and horoscopes continue to thrive in explaining life events and predicting the future.
However, I have read that virtuous individuals (those who are deemed morally good) often transcend their destiny. Saints or sages, as well as certain immoral people, lack a set destiny (understand this to mean that saints have lives that surpass the ordinary, whereas immoral people cannot live the same lives as the virtuous).
According to certain religious truths and teachings of ancient sages, there are two concepts we wish to share with you below to help improve your current life. We will explain some of these terms from our perspective to aid your understanding.
The Law of Cause and Effect
Your current life is shaped by what you did in the past (or the law of cause and effect). This principle implies that when you plant an apple seed, it will grow into an apple tree, which will eventually bear apples. You cannot plant an apple seed and expect a pear tree; once it has grown into an apple tree, it cannot bear pears.
In your life, if you are a doctor, it is because you studied and practiced medicine. If you are a teacher, it is because you chose that path and committed to it. If you are in debt, it may be because you overspent beyond your income.
The law of cause and effect explains that current circumstances are the results of past actions.
The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction suggests that what you truly think and desire within will manifest in your reality. This law is often misunderstood, as people wonder why they attract things they do not consciously wish for. Here’s one way to understand it: the law of attraction involves what you genuinely think and wish for deep down, not just fleeting desires. If you plant an apple tree, you want it to bloom and bear fruit. You understand that for it to flourish, you must care for it, water it, and provide nutrients. But if all you have at home is herbicide, and you label it as fertilizer, the apple tree will die and not produce any fruit. This is similar to wishing to pass a math exam but finding it too challenging, leading to discouragement and neglecting to study. Despite hoping to pass, this internal conflict will cause you to fail due to a lack of knowledge.
In my view, the laws of cause and effect and attraction are intertwined; one initiates the other in a continuous cycle.
What This Article Guides You to Do for Improving Destiny, Seeking Peace, and Warding off Misfortune
At this point, I encourage you to read the earlier explanations thoroughly. Reflect on the topics in the section “On Destiny and Your Current Life Situation.”
Why You May Be Experiencing Suffering
First, current suffering may stem from various issues. If you want to escape this cycle of pain, take time to reflect and maintain calm. If you are too despondent, the following advice may or may not resonate with you.
The View that Destiny Is Predetermined
Some believe that destiny is fixed from birth and that current suffering is unavoidable. This means that life’s hardships are experiences one must endure. Therefore, one must accept it calmly, as human life often fluctuates between prosperity and hardship.
According to feng shui, horoscopes, and zodiac signs, the fortune of each individual varies from year to year and month to month. The compatibility (good) or conflict (bad) with one’s horoscope, birth sign, or element affects one’s success and challenges. If you celebrate during good times, you may struggle more in adverse years, wondering why things turned negative. Similarly, if you collapse under adversity, you might miss out on good fortune later.
This implies that whether your current fortune is good or bad, it’s best to stay calm and prepare mentally for whatever may come.
The View That Destiny Can Be Altered
To explain why people with similar birth signs, horoscopes, birth dates, and starting points experience different lives and changing destinies over time, we can look to the laws of cause and effect and attraction, which shape our circumstances beyond what is preordained.
Why the Immoral Eventually Face Retribution
The question of who is “good” or “bad” can be difficult to discern. I cannot precisely define these terms, but I can explain why the immoral are believed to face retribution. Through cause and effect and the law of attraction, one will naturally attract similar individuals and consequences. For instance, those who gossip about others tend to attract like-minded people, making it inevitable that they, too, will be gossiped about later. Similarly, dishonest traders attract other dishonest business partners, leading to inevitable deceit and betrayal.
Why the Virtuous Transcend Fate and the Saintly Have No Predestined Fate
As for the issue of bad people, I cannot explain specifically what kind of person is virtuous and what kind of saint is (this issue will be written in another article). I will mention the issue right away, you should think about the issue of cause and effect and the law of attraction. Imagine you are in a neighborhood that always helps people in the neighborhood, you are always sociable with everyone. The people who respond and play with you are both good and bad, but the good people are always more interested in playing with you, the bad people will be annoyed with you. One day your house unfortunately has a small fire outside your house, the fire gradually grows and is burning your house, but you are not home. A friend in the neighborhood that you are close to passes by and sees the fire that could burn your house down completely, that person calls for everyone to put out the fire and calls the fire department. Quickly, everyone in your neighborhood tries to find ways to put out the fire, thanks to everyone’s efforts, the fire did not flare up more violently. The fire brigade arrived in time and put out the fire. When you get home, you only see a small black spot on the wall and you ask what happened. You check the camera and feel lucky and grateful for the friendly neighbors. But think about the enthusiasm of the neighbors around you created by your constant good deeds around the area. Imagine the fire that could have caught on and burned down your house if people hesitated to put out the fire and call the fire department.
Although this example may not fully explain why the virtuous person overcomes fate and the sage has no predetermined fate. But I want you to understand some of the mechanisms of how the laws work.
What to Do When You Are Struggling, Suffering, and Want to Improve Your Destiny and Ward Off Misfortune
We hope you have read the previous sections in the article, as reading only this section may render it meaningless.
Take Time to Reflect
When life has reached a breaking point, consider the source of your suffering. Take a quiet moment to reflect on life, let go of any questions, and allow yourself to cry or seek relaxation in nature. If you cannot alleviate stress, consider talking to someone, even a therapist.
When your emotions have settled, examine your life’s pressures, past actions, future goals, achievements, and losses. Think about what you have accomplished, how you achieved it, and what you lost due to past choices. Through this reflection, you may realize whether you are nurturing your “apple tree” with genuine care or mistakenly “feeding it herbicide labeled as fertilizer.”
Embracing Goodness to Improve Your Current Life
Performing good deeds is encouraged by most religions and belief systems. Below are some actions we think you should consider:
Do good deeds, give alms, help people in need.
When you are in trouble, always ask yourself, if you are in trouble and broken, how can you still have time to think about helping others. This thinking only attracts more difficulties to you. Open your heart to do good deeds, give alms, and help people, it is not too difficult. As long as it comes from your heart, a small thing like helping an elderly person cross the street, picking up lost items, donating food, money to the homeless, helping colleagues… When you encounter difficulties, you do good deeds to help others, I believe you will soon attract noble people to help you.
Make offerings and vows to follow your beliefs.
We value your good heart to help the poor as much better than your offering to religious centers. But making a vow to make offerings to real religious centers (making offerings to pagodas, temples, churches…) helps spread good things and you will soon receive good things. I think you should also really think about whether the place where you put your money and offerings is really a good place. If you really do not have religious beliefs or are not sure that the place you are standing is good, I think you should not do anything. If you do not have any beliefs, I think that taking care of and visiting the graves of deceased relatives is also a good deed and should be done no differently than making a vow to make offerings.
Give up excessive desires.
Think about whether the things you are attracting are really good or bad. You want a happy family, so you want a big, beautiful house so that your relatives have a spacious place to live, helping your family to be happy, a warm home for your children. But dreaming like that makes you spend too much time making money, not having time for your family, your children and wife stay away from you. When you buy a house through installments, you get used to work, have no time for your children and family. You go back to the cycle of making money, not being able to spend time with your family. Can your wish of having a spacious house for your family to be happy come true?
You wish to have a lot of money to have money to take care of your family, wife and children. But because you earn too much money, you never stay home without a meal with your family. Is this what you want?
You want a beautiful and wonderful life partner, so you date one person after another. In the end, you make yourself miserable when you break up with this person, miss that person…
Life should be full and happy.
Limit the use of stimulants, exercise regularly, reduce activities that are harmful to your health.
When you know how to appreciate your health. According to the law of attraction, good things will come to you. A clear mind will make wise decisions. A clear mind is only achieved when you are in good health, not sick, sober, not drunk.
When you make wise decisions, you are sowing seeds. Good health and good mood will help you distinguish between fertilizer and herbicide to fertilize your plants.
In practicing the above, remember that a clear mind and strong health lead to wise decisions.
I am not fully enlightened and still have much to learn. Your situation may require different solutions. But if you find value in this article and feel a sense of peace, consider sharing it with others. If not, perhaps treat it as a story for entertainment.
The translation may not accurately convey all of our messages. We apologize for any errors.
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