Blind Men and an Elephant

Once upon a time, in a village, there were five blind fortune-tellers. One day, an...

The Clever Boy Fairy Tale

In the past, although the country was at peace, the northern king always had the...

The Soul of the Rooster in the Bamboo Bush

Once upon a time, in a small village near a hill. In the village, there...

The Legend of Mai An Tiem

Long ago, during the reign of the 17th Hung King, in Phong Chau citadel there...

Carving a Plow in the Middle of the Road

Once upon a time, in the suburbs of Thang Long Citadel, there was a family...

Stepmother and Stepchild

Once upon a time, in the Thang Long region, there was a famous and wealthy...

Fairy tale about the kitchen god

Introduction. The story is a Vietnamese fairy tale about the origin of the kitchen gods...

Du Tinh Y Meets the Kitchen God

Preface This story is told and written about in many books about Buddhism. The story...