The Tiger Has the Liver of a Mouse

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Once upon a time, in a forest, there was a very shy mouse. One day, while the mouse was playing, a hawk caught the mouse. The hawk carried the mouse and flew through the forest, but because it was busy chatting with other birds, the hawk lost the mouse. The mouse accidentally fell right into the tent of a magical fairy.

Because he was alone and felt sorry for the poor little animal, the fairy used magic to cure the mouse. He also let the mouse stay with him to rest and regain its health. After a few days, the mouse gradually recovered and wanted to wander around the forest. At dawn, the mouse stretched, stepped out of the tent, and bravely walked into the forest.

Coincidentally, as soon as he stepped out, the mouse met a cat hunting in the forest. The cat jumped at him… the mouse ran for his life, luckily he ran back to the fairy’s house, he hid under the bed, shivering.

The fairy saw that and asked: Why are you so scared?

The mouse was scared and said: Yes, there is a cat in the forest… It is very fierce, sir. I was almost eaten by it. If only I could become a cat, from now on I would not be afraid of cats anymore. The fairy smiled: Oh, it’s okay. I will turn you into a cat. Go to sleep.

The next morning, the mouse woke up and found himself transformed into a big cat. The mouse happily thought to himself: I have become a cat. From now on, I am no longer afraid of that cat. He thought to himself and laughed to himself.

The majestic cat and mouse walked out of the tent… After walking a distance, the mouse met the cat from the day before. The other cat saw the strange cat, thought it was coming to compete for its territory, so it opened its eyes wide and meowed… meow. The mouse heard the cat’s meow, forgot that it was also a cat, and hurriedly ran back to the fairy’s tent.

The fairy saw the cat and mouse running back in fear and asked: What made you so scared?

The mouse stammered: Yes, yes… A dog… (The mouse was embarrassed and did not dare tell the fairy that it was a cat because it had already said that when it became a cat it would not be afraid of cats anymore). I was walking when it suddenly came chasing me, luckily I was fast and ran away. It would be great if I could be as strong as a dog, sir. The fairy saw the mouse so scared and said: Okay. Tomorrow I will turn you into a dog so you will not be afraid anymore.

The next morning, the mouse woke up to find himself transformed into a big, strong jackal.

The mouse was pleased: Now I will show that cat what fear is… hahaha… It laughed loudly and walked proudly into the forest.

After walking a short distance, the mouse suddenly met the cat that had been eating the prey the day before. The cat was extremely scared when it saw the big jackal, but it did not run away. Because it was regretful for the meal, the cat took a defensive stance, bristled its fur, its eyes glistened, and meowed loudly several times, ready for battle… But unexpectedly, as soon as it saw the cat bristle its fur, the mouse forgot that it was in the form of a dog and stood there in shock. Seeing that the jackal did not move, the cat rushed forward to chase the jackal away. Thinking that the cat was going to pounce on it and eat it, the mouse forgot that it was Cho, bent its legs and ran away in panic. It returned to the tent, still trembling with fear.

Just then the fairy returned. Seeing the mouse in the form of a jackal, he was so scared.

The old man asked: Is there any animal that scares you so much?

The mouse replied: Yes, yes… I am… a tiger! (It did not dare to tell the truth because it was afraid the fairy would laugh at it…). I did not expect there to be such a big tiger in this forest. If I were as big as that tiger, I would not have to fear any other animal in this forest.
Hearing that, the fairy said: Okay, tomorrow I will turn you into a huge tiger. Go to sleep.

The next morning, the mouse woke up and found himself transformed into a huge tiger. He stepped out of the tent and greeted the sunlight with joy. Everything had become small before his eyes. The mouse tiger thought to himself: Now I am the king of the jungle, all creatures will fear and obey me.

First, I will send some animals to capture that hateful cat and bring it here so I can punish it. The king of the jungle began to walk majestically and bravely into the forest. All animals were terrified, the little squirrels ran away, the deer that were eating grass were so scared that they couldn’t move a step to run away… Each step of the king of the jungle made the whole forest silent…

The little cat was so busy playing that he didn’t know that a new king of the jungle had appeared in his small forest. He was busy picking flowers and catching butterflies until very late, when the sun was tired and ready to go to sleep, he returned.

Just returning to the old forest, the cat suddenly saw an extremely large tiger appear in front of him. The king of the jungle also stood still when he saw the kitten. The cat’s limbs were all weak, his agile legs suddenly stiffened and he couldn’t lift them. He understood that everything was over and he couldn’t escape the fate that death was waiting for. He felt his whole body go cold, his fur ruffled, his sparkling eyes opened wide, he cried out in fear: “ngao… ngao… ngao…” The cat gave up waiting for the tiger to come and eat him, but was surprised by the kitten’s cries. The mouse remembered the scene of the cat chasing him in the past, he was even more panicked when the cat’s cries grew louder and louder. The king of the jungle suddenly turned around and ran away… The forest trees rustled in the wind, all creatures stood still…

The tiger ran straight to the small hut, it crawled inside the hut and gasped for breath. Its breathing and fear made the small hut shake. A while later the fairy returned but at that time the tiger was still lying there trembling…

The fairy asked in surprise: Is there any animal in this forest stronger than a tiger???

Hearing that, the tiger mouse immediately replied: Yes, yes… I’m… a cat! Is there any way to help me not be afraid of cats?

The fairy thought for a moment then smiled softly: I understand, no matter what you turn into, you still only have the liver of a mouse.

Then the fairy turned the mouse back into a little mouse like before. The mouse only hung around the fairy’s house and did not dare to leave the fairy’s house anymore.